Our services

We provide you with a private security service based on an experienced and serious team in order to deliver high quality protection of individuals but also of your property and your projects.

Our services in detail:

  • 1. Securing prestigious villas and commercial buildings / human surveillance:

  • The security officer carries out these interventions in compliance with the legislation and regulations concerning private security activities. He/She ensures the proper functioning of your site/property.

    - Reception
    - Access control and filtering
    - General monitoring of the site/the property
    - Protection and alert in the event of an accident or any other type of exceptional event
    - Assistance to people in case of need
    - Initiation of basic actions in the event of a fire outbreak

  • 2. Fire Safety:

  • Together with our partners, we offer a fire safety service including teams in possession of the SSIAP certificate (Fire Safety and Assistance to People Service), in order to ensure effective prevention in the field of activity related to their missions. We respect local regulations and standards (decree of May 2, 2005, but also regulations concerning establishments open to the public (ERP) and high-rise buildings (IGH).

  • Our agents are trained and are qualified to deal with a fire breakout, they:

    - Educate your employees on fire safety standards
    - Carry out basic checks and maintenance of the infrastructure contributing to fire safety
    - Proceed with early intervention in the event of a fire outbreak
    - Proceed with the alert and reception of the emergency services
    - Will evacuate the public if necessary
    - Contribute to the assistance of a person in danger

  • 3. Guard Dog Security/Security Agent Cynophile:

  • Depending on the specifics related to the possible risks that threaten your site/your property, additional guard dog security can be implemented into our security strategy including qualified "Cynophile" agents:

    - Reinforced surveillance of private places or on so-called sensitive areas
    - Surveillance of unfenced private places accessible to the public

  • 4. Event Protection:

  • Depending on the mission, which can be one-off or long-term, we offer you a quality service thanks to our agents who are trained and qualified to guarantee you security for your event. Our team puts its professionalism and years of experience at your disposal to help you:

    - Reception service of and guidance for your guests
    - Access Control
    - Monitoring and securing the local facilities and devices
    - Monitoring of "crowd movements"
    - Anticipate and minimize any type of conflict as much as possible
    - Apply first aid gestures